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    Video-Tutorial: Diagrammer for Oracle 10g (simplified)

    October 26th, 2010

    In this video, you can see how use Kybele GMF Generator. We have created a functional diagrammer for models conform to a simplified version of Oracle 10g (Object-Relational Database).

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    Kybele GMF Generator Installation

    September 1st, 2010

    To download and install Kybele GMF Generator  in your computer please follow the steps below:

    1. Install Eclipse Modeling Tools
    KybeleGMFgen is an Eclipse plugin and therefore, to install it you need to download and install Java 1.6+ and Eclipse Modeling Tools. You can download Eclipse in the official website:


    *Note: Kybele’s members use the following Eclipse distribution (for Windows):


    2. Download and Install KybeleGMFgen
    Once you have installed Eclipse, you can install KybeleGMFgen using the Eclipse Update or work directly with the source code from our SVN repository.

    •  To install using Eclipse Update: This is the recommended option to install and update KybeleGMFgen. We provide an Update Site:


    •  Source Code: You can get the latest version of the KybeleGMFgen in our SVN repository available in Google Code:


    New Page: Documentation

    August 31st, 2010

    Today we have created a new page which contains documentation about Kybele GMF Generator.

    To access it, click on ‘Documentation’ button in the blog’s menu or use this link.

    Gradually we will be adding more information

    What’s Kybele GMF Generator?

    August 25th, 2010

    Kybele GMF Generator (also known as KybeleGMFgen) is a new Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) tool for Eclipse Modeling Tools for creating, in only a few steps, graphical editors from manually annotated metamodels and customization files. KybeleGMFgen is based on Eclipse GMF and Eclipse Epsilon projects.


    • It increases the automation level in the GMF editors’ development
    • It generates, in the same process, the Java code for DSL, tree-like editor (EMF) and diagrammer editor (GMF)
    • It facilitates reuse the concrete syntax through using customization files written in EOL (Epsilon Object Language)
    • All process is executed by only one mouse click
    • It’s based on EMF, GMF and Epsilon EuGENia

    Initial Post

    August 25th, 2010

    Through this post Kybele GMF Generator’s Blog starts.

    You are welcome and we invite you to leave your comments.